Providing data protection services for your business


Our virtual Data Protection Officer will work with you to monitor and advise on data protection compliance

Our team of qualified DPOs (Data Protection Officers) will work with you in your organisation to ensure compliance with the UK/EU GDPR. For organisations processing large-scale or ‘special category personally identifiable information’, or PII, a DPO is now mandatory.

We know compliance with data protection regulations can be complex. Economit's DPOs are experienced in many sectors and industries and help their clients overcome this.

Our team will hit the ground running, and quickly assess your compliance posture, make practical recommendations, and work with you to implement them.

As your virtual DPO, we’ll:

  • Advise on data breaches that may incur financial or reputational losses
  • Consult on GDPR compliance posture and best practice
  • Provide ongoing data protection training
  • Maintain compliance for your organisation going forward

Acting as an independent voice for GDPR

Our virtual DPOs act independently when carrying out their duties regarding GDPR compliance. Economit not only provides advice on what compliance methods to implement but also and importantly, how to implement them.

Whether you work with our DPOs or CISOs, our experienced team are cross-discipline qualified, meaning they’re able to deliver multiple roles, and all at a high standard for your business.

What is GDPR and why is it important

In May 2018, the EU introduced new regulations around how we collect and process personal data. Known as the EU General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, these regulations place stricter governance on how personal data is collected and processed. The regulations were adopted by the UK post-Brexit.

The GDPR provides individuals with greater rights over their access to and control of information that organisations process about them. This means businesses need to have better processes in place and a better understanding of the regulations, to remain compliant.

Failure to do so can result in reputational damage as well as fines.